Lindsay Benson

Lindsay Benson


With around 25 years’ experience in practice Lindsay joined CPS in 2020 just as everyone went home for a year or so. Since then she’s brought team spirit, joie de vivre and general motherly advice as a team leader and to all aspects of the practice.

Extensively experienced in Healthcare, Mental Health and Dementia Care Design, Accessibility Audits, Private and Social Housing, Community, Commercial and Leisure, she brings the same curiosity and enthusiasm to each and every project she undertakes.

Keen on the collaborative process, Lindsay listens intently to each stakeholder in the design process and strives to ensure buy-in and confidence that the best path is being pursued.

Lindsay values professionalism, integrity, functionality, humanism, flow of space and best design solutions in an often contradictory world, the brief is a logic problem or a cryptic crossword just waiting to be puzzled through.

She does those for fun.
She also loves cookies.
You know who she is.

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